Monday, October 25, 2010

NYCLWG Anthology: The Latina Feminist Movement

Dear Scribes,

We are SO excited to announce that the NYC Latina Writers Group will be accepting submissions for its first collective publishing venture - New York City Latina Writers Group Anthology: The Latina Feminist Movement.

This project will explore at how contemporary Latina Writers view feminism and its changes. It will analyze what being a feminist means to them. How we are redefining this term? A term that was originally reserved for “white women.”

How are women of this generation redefining FEMINISM?

How have the views on feminism changed today?

What are your ideas of what being a woman/feminist is?

How are we defining ourselves?

Do you define yourself as a feminist?

How do you define feminism?

Do you consider yourself a Latina Feminist or does the label make you cringe?

Is there such a thing as a Movement and is it still relevant?

How does it differ from non-Latina movements?

Is there a need for such a movement or are we living in a post-feminist society?

We wish to explore those questions and related ones like the Movement's effect (if any) on gender, sexuality, the arts, media, pop culture, or YOU as a woman.

We are seeking poetry, flash fiction, short stories, and essays from female writers - both unpublished and published. The important part is that it be QUALITY writing. Please send no more than 2 pieces of writing in standard manuscript form (Word doc, 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced) via attachment to, and All submissions must be unpublished works - we will not consider previously published pieces.

The deadline is December 1, 2010. We will notify all writers via email at a later date to let them know if their writing was accepted for inclusion into the Anthology. We encourage all our members to submit!

Any questions, please message Glendaliz or Alicia.

Happy Writing!


Glendaliz & Alicia

“The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand 

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