Saturday, October 22, 2011

Meditation 4: Attracting Gentle Life Lessons~

Release judgments of self and of others~

So today I meditated and spent the entire day thinking about the ways I have judged others and more importantly have judged myself. I can be incredibly hard on myself and there are occasions where I am definitely hard on the people around me. I am quick to check them on all the things I believe they should be doing. And lately, I have been judging myself incredibly hard… extra hard… too hard.


That was the word that rose for me today after yoga. Have compassion for myself. Be gentle with myself. Be kind to myself. Use loving words to address myself. Sometimes I have the right words for everyone else but don’t have kind words for myself. Alicia, have some compassion for you! Don’t be so hard on yourself!

Today I choose to attract gentle people, gentle life lessons and gentle words.

Today I will have some compassion for me~


Today I am able to accept that I am flawed.
Today I accept that I still need to work on acceptance and being more accepting of others.
Today I accept you for you and I release all judgment.
Today I accept me for me and I release all judgment.
Today I accept all the gifts in my life.
Today I accept what is.
Today I accept myself just the way I am.

And so it is~

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