Thursday, October 8, 2009

TAW: Week Two - Assignment 3~ My Recovery~

In getting back to posting my process using the Artist Way by Julia Cameron.

is about recovering a sense of identity… in dealing with what the author calls crazy makers... and stressing the importance and significance of writing the morning pages. This week is about how the pages are about spending time between god and me.

Prayer: “the great creator has gifted me with creativity. My gift back is my use of it... the process not the product will be my focus...”
She talks about drama that we allow in to distract us… our friends, family and partners…

For LULU: “No matter how slow the film, spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer... IT has CHOSEN~” Minor White

This week we focus on:

Attention as an act of connection...
Paying attention to the signs... SYNCHRONICITY
Fill the well by caring for me
Setting small gentle goals and meeting them
Praying for guidance, courage and humility
She talks about it being harder and more painful to not allow the art to come out of me...
Be alert... to where I am being lead
Choosing companions who encourage me to do the work...
Its my job to do the work not judge it – to just get it done…

Assignment 3A - - Thursday, September 3,2009
This second week is also about time management – who we give our time to – how we procrastinate… I was asked to create a life pie to see where I spend the majority of my time and the areas were: spirituality, romance, friends, work, play and exercise

1. Spirituality is a constant in my life… But could use more attention… actually I could USE A LOT MORE ATTENTION…
2. Romance... I come home tired and don’t have a lot to give... but always want to receive... I must work on this...
3. Work consumes a lot of my time... I work long days...
4. Friends... I miss them... they fill me... they are a source of energy for me
5. Exercise... I haven’t exercised in about two months...
6. PLAY... man... last night I played a little... went to a club... laughed and danced... I need more of this...

Assignment 3B - - Thursday, September 3,2009

Choose 3 affirmations from week one and write it 3 times…

An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.

Negative beliefs are exactly that... beliefs... not FACTS
Negative beliefs are exactly that... beliefs... not FACTS
Negative beliefs are exactly that... beliefs... not FACTS

My creativity heals others and myself...
My creativity heals others and myself...
My creativity heals others and myself...

Audacity not talent moves the artist to center stage...
Audacity not talent moves the artist to center stage...
Audacity not talent moves the artist to center stage...

As I create I will be led

And so it is...

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