Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Restoring ME to who I am~

Prayer this morning: Thank you for illuminating my soul and restoring me to who I am and have been called to be~

When am I going to stop believing the old story?

I have such a beautiful smile on my face right now. My heart is smiling. My eyes are smiling. My chest is smiling. My breath is smiling. I am laying in bed feeling so peaceful… PEACEFILLED! Straddling this I AM WORTHY / I AM NOT WORTHY story!!!

What would happen to me if I completely released all thoughts that I am NOT WORTHY!

What do I see when I look at the Girl Before a Mirror, 1932, oil on canvas, by Pablo Picasso.

What do I see?

The girl looking in the mirror is holding her up. She is holding her reflection up. She is lifting her up. She is showing her the beauty that she IS. She is showing her the power that SHE possesses. She is revealing the strength that lies behind her eyes. In her belly she is carrying ALL that remains to be birthed and shared with the world. She is showing her the reflection of herself… the woman looking at her little girl saying, “You are beautiful… truly beautiful flaws and all!”

Creator, Thank you for this day. Thank you for allowing me to live another day. Thank you for allowing me to open my eyes and live in the fullness of who I am and what I am called to do.

Today I ask for so much strength. I ask for continued guidance.

Please continue to protect my Courtney, give her clarity and focus so that she may accomplish all she has been called to do.

Please protect all those I know and love, especially protect those I do not know. As I begin this day I say Thank you for illuminating my soul and restoring me to who I am and have been called to be. MAKTUB. Ache. Amen. And so it is.

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