Monday, January 14, 2013


Good morning writers!

I have been thinking so much about this group over the past few months. I’ve been thinking about the writers life, the writers process, the writers journey, discipline, focus and commitment to our craft… what really honoring our stories really looks like. There are so many writers who for many different reasons don’t know that they were born storytellers. Voices silenced… family obligations… self-doubt… insecurity.

As we begin this New Year I have set new intentions for our group, there are many wonderful changes… changes that really are about supporting our differences and the different stages we are all at as writers. Every year I pick a word that is my WORD FOR THE YEAR… this year it’s SHOW UP!

Just show up!

Show up to the page…
Show up to the task…
Show up for our characters…
Show up for ourselves…
Show up with our gifts…
Show up and allow for the miracle to happen…

The New York City Latina Writers Group was created six years ago out of the desperate necessity to create a space of my own where I felt I could be me… where I could just show up and see what happens. There was no pressure… no judgment… plenty of patience. I just showed up!

Showing up was the easy part… it then became about consistently showing up.

So my intention for this year is to SHOW UP! My intention is to show up for you! I am committed to you. I am here for you. Just show up!

This year we will be meeting once a month (every third week of the month. The 2013 calendar will be posted in the next few weeks).

Our first meeting of the year will be held:

Date: Sunday, January 20th

Time: 12:00pm to 4:00pm (RSVP by Sat. 1/19/13)

- Setting writing goals for 2013
- Group discussion on direction of the NYCLWG
- Bring current project working on
- Writing exercises

Cost: FREE

Location: Private (please email me for address:

The meeting is accessible via teleconference. .. toll free. Just ask and I will be happy to provide you with details.

I look forward to a New Year of creating together.

Know that this is a safe space… a sacred space where you are free and your voice honored.

Wishing you a year filled with blessings.

With love,

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