Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Writing prompt: What you don't see~

The role of the artist…
as lover…
if I love you I make you conscious of the things you don’t see…
There’s a fire rising in me
for a moment reflecting on what you don’t see…
What you don’t see is… brilliance…
A beauty deeper than the mask on the outside…
What don’t see is… Courage
A natural strength you were born with…
You are centuries old…
What you don’t see is… Love
Something you never have to beg for or need from another…
What you don’t see is…
This exact moment… how today is all that matters
What you don’t see is…
Hope in humanity that not everyone is evil…
What you don’t see is…  Innocence
The moment where it may seem that it was taken from you… the fact is you are intact..
you are whole…
What you don’t see is…
the Statue of Liberty…
how she lives inside of you as freedom, strength and beauty…
What you don’t see is…
My love for you… how deeply it runs through me…
a love residing in my veins…
like ocean waves and river currents…
bear feet walking on white stones…
touching you so you never forget…
What you don’t see is…
Me in your mouth…
the taste of honey…
a goodbye kiss…
yet yours forever…
What you don’t see is…
My reflection in the mirror…
left arm extended…
take my hand…
come with me…
What you don’t see is…
The life I have planned for you…
filled with labyrinths, creeks, bridges, trees, lilies, sunflowers and orchids…
What you don’t see is…
Me in you…
and you in me…
pure love, forever, strength, Goddess, Guerrera, hija, hermana, amante…
for eternity
What you don’t see is…
Sadness… that you don’t see me at all…
My time is up! And so it is

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