Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Meditation 20: Guard your thoughts~ Day 5

Day 5: 40 Day Fast

Guard your thoughts~

I am struggling today with holding onto my state of peace. There is a situation that I am being called to face today that really makes me uncomfortable. My entire body is having a reaction to the action I must take. I am really trying to shift my thoughts and stay in my meditation. Continuing on this fast of feeding myself positive affirmations and words of love when all I want to do is be mad and stay mad. 

Then I read:

“You are either attracting or repelling according to your mental attitudes. You are either identifying yourself with lack or with abundance, with love and friendship or with indifference. You cannot keep from attracting into your experience that which corresponds to the sum total of your states of consciousness. This law of attraction and repulsion works automatically. It is like the law of reflection—the reflection corresponds to the image held before a mirror. Life is a mirror peopled with forms of your own acceptance.

How careful, then, you should be to guard your thoughts.~ Ernest Holmes

So what is it that I see in the mirror? What is being reflected back to me? There is a contradiction of sorts going on internally around ideas of order and chaos. What choices am I making? What am I thinking? I am incredibly grateful for that reminder to guard my thoughts. I am being called to guard my attitudes around what I believe to be the truth about this situation and about myself. 

REPELLING… what a great word! 

This idea that I could be repelling the good just by the thoughts I am allowing myself to experience. Repelling the good just by the choices I am making in my life.


I BELIEVE without a shadow of doubt that all is divinely ordered and aligned in my favor.

I KNOW that this experience is not who I am and I consciously shift my focus to the GOOD that surrounds me.

I KNOW that my every thought, every word and every deed is expressed in love and with love.

I BELIEVE that as I give… I receive.

I EXPRESS gratitude for every person I come in contact with today for I know that you hold a lesson for me.

I EXPECT goodness and greatness for my life and for the life of others.

I TRUST that all is well.

BE STILL and KNOW… the answers are right here!

As I breathe into this day… I let out a huge sigh. I am one moment at a time. One thought at a time. I know that I do not need to stay in the feelings I was struggling with this morning. I choose to release all of it and begin this beautiful day filled with peace.

“You know that Life cannot withhold Itself from you. All that Life is and has is fully given to you to enjoy. Life is God’s gift to you. It is always ready to manifest Itself through you in Its entire fullness.” This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes


NOTHING is being withheld for me.

EVERYTHING that I desire is available to me.

I AM living the fullness of this experience.

I AM standing in LOVE, JOY and GRATITUDE!

And so it is~

There are still seats available: Join me for the first  ~ Women of the World Writers Workshop~

This is a FREE writing workshop being offered with the intention of providing a sacred space for women to gather virtually from all over the world to write together.

Have you been carrying a story that is suffocating you... a story that will not let you sleep?
Do you want support in beginning that project unsure of where to begin?
Are you ready to stop procrastinating and take YOU seriously?
Have you started the story but are feeling blocked or paralyzed?
Are you afraid to answer your call?

Workshop will be held on Sunday, October 28, 2012 @ 6:00pm – 10:00pm EST

To register and for more information please email me at:

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