Friday, September 28, 2012

Meditation 22: Giving in Gratitude ~ Day 7

Day 7: 40 Days~
Today I am meditating on giving without expecting anything in return. There is a spiritual practice called “tithing” that I have been thinking a lot about. Giving without fear of lack and limitation. Practicing this spiritual law of prosperity that ensures that as I give I receive. But the point is not to give expecting to receive. Giving with all our love and all of our faith.
I am incredibly grateful today. I have received so many blessings this year. I attended VONA at Berkeley thanks to all the angels who backed me financially. I went on countless college visits for Afrolatinos. I traveled to Cuba and met amazing women that I am working with. My finances have improved enormously. I am back in my home THAT I LOVE SO MUCH! And all of this is because I set an intention of gratitude at the beginning of everyday.
Everything I do begins by setting an intention. Before I go up on stage to speak in front of a crowd I set an intention for what I want to give or leave with the people I meet and I offer each event to someone special. In my writing I set an intention for a specific character or scene that I want to explore. I even have a life intention…
My life intention is to provide women with spaces where they can be who they are and say what’s in their souls.
The Women of the World Writing Workshop that I am offering on Sunday, October 27th is my gift to women… but it is not without an intention!
My intention is to give ALL of me to these womyn in gratitude for all that has been given to me.
My intention is that this workshop be filled with 100’s of womyn from all over the United States and the world who feel that thing in the pit of their stomach… that tightness in their chest… that loss of breath... that thing that is pointing them in only one direction… YOUR SOUL! And once you acknowledge the conversation that is happening we have no other choice but to honor the calling and answer.
This is why in addition to the Women of the World Workshop I will offer a second workshop entitled Writing With Intention!
It is about being clear about what we are here to do… and beginning the process. As 2012 comes to a close I would like to support you in beginning and moving toward that thing you are dying to write. It’s about setting an INTENTION to move forward no matter what the obstacles. Nothing before this moment matters. I am envisioning something so beautiful… so HUGE… my intention is to see women from all over the world writing their stories… writing our stories.
“Life fills all space and Spirit animates every form. It is this Spirit in you, as you, which is the true actor in everything you do, but since you are an individual, even the Spirit can not make the gift of Life unless you accept it. Life may have given everything to you but only that which you accept is yours to use. This is why it is written that the word of power, of life and action is in your own mouth—that is, in your thought.” ~Ernest Holmes
Will you accept?
 To register and for more details:
And so it is~

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