Thursday, September 20, 2012

Not a day should go by~

Not a day should go by without telling those we love how much they mean to us. Brothers... I don't think I have ever really shared how I feel about my brother. He was my partner in crime long before my sisters arrived... long before my daughter would become my partner... it was always Fabin y Alicia... we were the original rat pack... the original wolf pack... and we kept our secrets and had our vows. If one of us was going down we both went down. And both got the beating!!! Except for those occasions when we would throw the other under the bus so one of us could get the break from the beat down that was sure to come. We got into the refridgerator even though they tried to keep us out and away from the food... HELLOOOO child abuse hotline!!!! LMAO. Then they tried putting a combination lock on the telephone so we couldn't make calls. MAN we were the MacGyver and the Bionic Woman team. We had each others back in a fight... we fought each other... and man do we LAUGH together... and that is a beautiful thing!
Brothers… my little brother… actually your 10 months older than me!!! Howeverrrr, I am still taller and better looking. 
Fabio Antonio Santos Jr. (the 12th lol) 
Today is your birthday… and as I sit here I am flashing back to our Bushwick, Brooklyn days when for six years it was just you and me kid!!! 
Then Josie came and stole the spotlight… six years after that... Fabiana comes to town… y pa que fue eso??? More mouths to feed. 
My big brother I don’t tell you often enough how proud I am of you and your three beautiful sons, Fabio Jr, Anthony and Jayden. I LOVE YOU bro! We may not always agree… we may have our rolling on the ground... beat downs… but this blood runs deep and this love is strong and I don’t ever want there to go a day when you doubt how much you are loved. 
Today and everyday I wish you a life filled with peace, calm, patience and understanding… more patience and a lifetime of love. 
I love you Fabin. 
LOVE, Your little sister.



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