Friday, December 30, 2011

Meditation 13: The best is yet to come!

Journal entry: November 7, 2011

The time to begin is now. A few things jumped out for me during meditation. The first realization was after my yoga session when I realized that I was giving my back to my altar and spirit guides, rather than facing them and giving thanks during my process.

It was as if had turned my back on them. I had forgotten where to turn to for the strength I needed. I forgot that I could always return home. That God, the universe, my creator, my force, (whatever you feel comfortable calling it) has been waiting for me.

As I let my light shine… I don’t need to fear my light.

Creator, show me how to use my light.
Creator, show me how to walk with my light.
Creator, reveal to me who I am.
Today, as I begin this day, I am walking in my greatness.
I am walking in my greatness.
I am walking in my greatness.
I don’t fear my light.
I don’t fear my light.
I don’t fear my light.
I don’t fear my greatness.
I walk without fear.
I know that I am loved.
I am discovering the truth of who I am.

The truth is… I am powerful beyond measure.
The truth is I have gifts that have yet to be revealed.

Today I trust that all that is meant for me is coming.
Today I believe that God gives me lessons because she knows I can handle it.
For this knowing I am so grateful. And so it is.

I AFFIRM: The truth is I have gifts that have yet to be revealed. Today I trust that all that is meant for me is coming. The truth is I am powerful beyond measure.

Peace, light and LOVE~

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