Sunday, June 19, 2011

Desperate for LOVE~

“A Course in Miracles says it is ‘not our job to seek for love, but to seek for all the barriers we hold against its coming.’ Thinking that there is some special person out there who is going to save us is a barrier to pure love.”

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh romantic love~

That’s what I’m reading about today. Dispelling the myth that Mr. or Mrs. RIGHT exist... this is what we are talking about... this idea of THE RIGHT PERSON is all in our heads.

Are we MR. or MRS. RIGHT? Are we perfect? Are we ready for love? Are we capable of giving that which we seek?

I have had so many conversations about love in my life. It is my favorite subject and area if life I wish to be an expert in. At the same time, it’s also the one I still quite haven’t figured out yet.

I have had the most amazing relationships with people but they still haven’t been completely RIGHT. And right in the sense that something goes wrong that it ends. The love remains. I love deeply. But still there is always something that just isn’t RIGHT.

I was in car last summer with someone I love deeply and we were talking about the idea of marriage. We both had very different definitions for what makes a relationship last. And I remember talking about my parents and the fact that they have been together over forty years. I remember saying, that’s the kind of love, the kind of marriage, and the kind of relationship I want. My parent’s relationship isn’t perfect they have had 40+ years of WORKING HARD to keep their marriage together.

“A good relationship isn’t always crystals and rainbows. It’s a birth process, often painful, often messy.”

That’s what I want someone who is willing to get dirty. I want that relationship that gives birth to a lifetime of love. Someone who is willing to put in the time it takes to nourish a relationship. I want that firm foundation that is built on TRUTH.

“If your heart’s desire is for an intimate partner, the Holy Spirit might send someone who isn’t the ultimate intimate partner for you, but rather something better: someone with who you are given the opportunity to work through the places in yourself that need to be healed before you’re ready for the deepest intimacy.”

…the opportunity to work through the places in myself that need to be healed before I AM ready. This is key. There is so much we must work out… work through. We mustn’t be in a rush to get there. This is where I am at today… there are places that need to be healed before I am ready. So I will continue to get ready.

“Love is a decision. Waiting to see whether someone is good enough is childish, and it is bound to make the other person feel on some level as though they’re auditioning for a part.” (I add this quote because it jumps out at me as something to look at.)

“Part of working on ourselves, in order to be ready for a profound relationship, is learning how to support another person in being the best that they can be. Partners are meant to have a priestly role in each other’s lives. They are meant to help each other access the highest parts within themselves.”

Helping each other be the best person they can be!!!!!! I love that~

Today I affirm: The right person for ME is someone who helps me be a better person, aids me in accessing HIGHEST PARTS of me and I will be that for them~

Quotes are from: A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson


Peace, light and LOVE~

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