Monday, June 27, 2011


Today I woke up anxious. This is the week I submit my manuscript in order to receive the proof.

My head is spinning. There is so much that goes into creating a book. The work isn’t done when the story is written. There are fonts to be chosen, size margins, gutter margin, size of book, justifying pages… all I can do right now is breathe and not allow myself to be paralyzed.

Just when you think you're done editing… you must edit some more.

I have six books next to me and I am trying to decide which book size is what I envision for my story.



When you self publish a book you are not only the writer, you’re the editor, designer, marketing and sales team.

I’m taking it one step at a time. I’m taking it one day at a time. As I look out of the window here in Bogota I’m grateful. I have waited ten years for this moment. So while it is overwhelming I will slow down and really be in this process, I really want to enjoy this moment because not only did I write a beautiful story I am designing my first book.

And I can’t wait to share it with you.

I affirm: Today is a new day~ Today Finding Your Force will unfold perfectly~ Today I will unfold perfectly~ Today I trust and believe that everything is working in my favor~ Today I am still and know that all is happening in divine order~

Peace, light and love~

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