Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meditation 47: ~ The Virtues of a Woman~ Day 30

Sunday, October 21, 2012
A Woman’s Virtue…
I love my life… as a writer sometimes messages come to me in words or one word.
Today that word is VIRTUE!
Its too early for this is all I am saying…
VIRTUE really creator you want to go there?
The American Heritage Dictionary defines virtue as: Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness. An example or kind of moral excellence: the virtue of patience. Chastity, especially in a woman…
I became obsessed with the word virtue today… I needed to understand what this message was for me… was it an accusation that I am somehow not a virtuous woman. Am I being called to live a more virtuous lifestyle? What does virtue mean to me?
So much is coming up for me lately around religion… being raised in Catholicism.
According to Proverbs 31 there are TEN Virtues of a Woman:
1.     Faith: a virtuous woman serves God with all her heart, mind and soul.
2.     Marriage: a virtuous woman respects her husband.
3.     Mother: a virtuous woman teaches her children the ways of her father in heaven.
4.     Health: a virtuous woman cares for her body.
5.     Service: a virtuous woman serves her husband.
6.     Finances: a virtuous woman seeks her husbands approval before making purchases.
7.     Industry: a virtuous woman works willingly and without complaints.
8.     Homemaking: a virtuous woman creates warmth and love in the home.
9.     Time: a virtuous woman uses her time wisely, completing daily tasks.
10. Beauty: a virtuous woman has the inner beauty that can only come from Christ.
I did a search to see if there was some sort of list for men… not one.. yes there are some references to JOB in the bible… but no code of conduct…. That’s what the message feels like for me … a reminder of a code of conduct. I did find a Portrait of a Man of Integrity… yet this speaks more to the greatness in men... and women are being called to OBEY! I definitely have a problem the code of conduct and I definitely have failed miserable in many of the areas listed above... the serving husband/financial asking thing... yeah... NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
Virtue… moral excellence and service to others…
A virtuous woman remains pure…
The importance of sexual purity…
“God has called women both married and unmarried to be pure and the consequences of disobeying God’s commands can be devastating.” Author Unknown~
I couldn’t believe that this was the conversation that Spirit wanted to have with me. I don’t even know which to tackle first… the TEN Virtues? Being disobedient? Being unmarried? Being a Lesbian? Purity? Serving men?
Releasing all anger at this code of conduct women are expected to adhere to. I think its time WE… women… create our own list of virtues… not dictated by men, bibles and institutions. We must create lists that speak to who we are…  here is my list of TEN Virtues of a Woman:
1.     A virtuous woman~ Loves deeply, consistently… loving herself first, her family and all those she meets on her journey.
2.     A virtuous woman~ Lives fully, is passionate… walks towards her dreams without guilt, fear or shame knowing that all that she desires will be hers.
3.     A virtuous woman~ Speaks the truth at all times… she is never silent… she is smart… she is to be honored and respected for she carries the weight of the world.
4.     A virtuous woman~ Loves her children, is a great mother… but she reserves the right to decide whether or not she wants to be a mother and bring children into this world. It is her choice!
5.     A virtuous woman~ is a beautiful spiritual being… she is strong… generous with her time… kind… she is a counselor, advisor, sister and friend.
6.     A virtuous woman~ is NEVER jealous or envious… she knows that universe is abundant and there is enough for ALL OF US. She knows that there is nothing outside of her that she needs and she trusts that the universe always provides what is intended for her.
7.     A virtuous woman~ makes mistakes… but she knows that mistakes are an opportunity to CHOOSE AGAIN… to do it differently and so she understands that nothing she does is a mistake.
8.     A virtuous woman~ SERVES others… not because it is dictated, forced or the threat of punishment arises… she serves because she loves to do so and in giving she knows that she will always receive blessings and be provided for.
9.     A virtuous woman~ is PEACE in every definition of the word. She knows how to defuse a situation with love because she knows that nothing can beat LOVE.
10. A virtuous woman~ PRAYS~ she prays for herself, she prays for those she loves… she give thanks for all that she receives… she communes… she communes with her source knowing that all she needs is already here.

“No matter what confusion appears at the surface of your life, there is always a place of calm at the center of your being. No matter how turbulent the waves may be on the ocean of your experience, beneath there is a changeless peace. Your being is submerged but not lost in the Infinite.” This Thing Called You~
I am submerged in peace. I am surrounded by peace. I am immersed in peace. Peace—deep, calm, undisturbed. Peace comes from a sense of union with the whole. Confusion comes from a sense of separation. ~ Ernest Holmes
I am a virtuous woman.
I am undisturbed and standing in PEACE as PEACE!
And so it is~

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