Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meditation 50: ~ A Writer’s Prayer ~ Day 33

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
A writing meditation… a writer’s prayer~
Today I give thanks Creator~
Thank you for all of the blessings that I have received over the past month, this past year and for every blessing I have ever received. You have sent many opportunities and blessings to me and for that I am eternally grateful.
Mother, Father God, as I move into this day I know that I am standing on sacred ground, holy ground wherever I am and with all the people who surround me.
Over the past few days I have chosen not to post meditations because my practice, my process has been off. I have been exhausted. But you already know this. Today I pray for renewal knowing that it has already been done! I know that you are working through me.
I have been on overload… over extending myself. My body is calling for me to slow down. To be still and honor that it is time for rest.
Today I am focusing on refilling, renewal and recharging.
Some things have happened over the past few days that in the past I wouldn’t have handled them well… I could have chosen to be angry or live in fear… I understand that even in those moments I am being called to learn something… I AM BEING CALLED TO LOVE HARDER! That even those moments of discomfort are ordered…
My life is in perfect order and in perfect alignment with what is meant for me.
Today I rest!
And so it is~

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